(Common Git Version-Control Commands)

This is PART-03 of the Yet Another GIT-Reference series.

NOW it’s time for you to learn the bare essentials of all GIT-Commands needed to manage your Sources; [Whether it be Source-Code, Documentations, Websites OR well even a poem]

  1. git clone REPOSITORY-LINK
  2. This command clones or copies your entire remote repository to your local-repository on your computer.
    git clone

  3. git add OPTIONS
  4. This command ADDS the CHANGED/MODIFIED Files/Folders to the Staging-Area in order to be committed.
     git add .

    Here we used the period-symbol, which is "." to ADD ALL THE MODIFIED files & folders (If we didn't we would have to specify file or folder names individiually)

  5. git rm OPTIONS
  6. This command REMOVES the CHANGED/MODIFIED Files/Folders from the Staging-Area in order to be obviously NOT committed.
    git rm -r FOLDER/FILE

    Here we used the recursive-option "-r" TO REMOVE ALL THE FILES IN A FOLDERS to prevent it from being tracked by GIT (If we didn't, then we would have to specify file-names individiually)

  7. git commit -m “COMMIT-MESSAGE"
  8. This command COMMITS or Transfers the changes/modified-files that were in the Staging-Area to the Local-Repository with a "MESSAGE" that you can convey describing your commits.
    git commit -m “added new lines”

    When you COMMIT the changes to your LOCAL-REPOSITORY, you basically commit ALL the changes that you added to the STAGING-AREA.

  9. git log OPTIONS
  10. Shows all your commits performed on your Local-Repository.
    git log
    git log -p -1

    You can also use the "-p" OPTION to get more info & by how many logs (like "-p -1" will give you info in 1 log)

  11. git push origin BRANCH-NAME
  12. PUSHES or Uploads the COMMITED-CHANGES on your local-repository to a specified branch on your REMOTE-REPOSITORY.
    git push origin main

    Remember to mention the branch-name while Pushing Changes (It's considered "BEST PRACTICE" to do so; Here the branch-name is "main")

  13. git pull origin BRANCH-NAME
  14. PULLS or Downloads the PUSHED-CHANGES on a specified branch on your remote-repository to your LOCAL-REPOSITORY & merges the changes with your local repo (AKA update your Local-Repo in a way).
    git pull origin main

    Just like in case of "git push", Remember to mention the branch-name while Pulling Changes (It's considered "BEST PRACTICE" to do so; Here the branch-name is "main")

  15. git branch
  16. Shows the names of all the branches created under your Repository (Along with highlighting which branch YOU ARE CURRENTLY ON)
    git branch

  17. git branch NEW BRANCH-NAME
  18. This command allows you to create a new branch with a name of your choosing.
    git branch test

    Also, in order for the new branches to REGISTER/SHOW-UP in you remote-repository; you should commit & then PUSH while specifying the new branch's name.

  19. git checkout BRANCH-NAME
  20. This command allows you to switch to a specified-branch.
    git checkout test

    Here; "test" is the name of the branch you are switching to.

  21. git checkout -b NEW BRANCH-NAME
  22. The "-b" OPTION allows you to CREATE & THEN SWITCH to the newly-created Branch.
    git checkout -b test

    Here; "test" is a new branch that you created & simulataneously switched to.

  23. git status
  24. This command shows the status of your Local-Repository.
     git status

    It which branch you are on, how far BEHIND/AHEAD are you when compared to the MAIN-Branch & Any changes left to be commited.

  25. git merge BRANCH-NAME
  26. This command Merges a Specified-Branch (NOT the Branch you're currently on) with the branch that you are currently on.
    git merge test

    let's assume you're on the branch called "main"; Hence, it will MERGE a branch called "test" with the branch called "main".

  27. git remote OPTIONS
  28. This command sets up the connection with your Remote-Repository (AKA "origin") OR shows which Remote-Repository/"Origin" you are connected to.Depending on the OPTIONS Used.
    git remote -v
    git remote set-url

    The "-v" OPTION views the URL of Origin; while the "set-url" OPTION sets URL of Origin.

  29. git restore FILE-NAME
  30. This command restores your Modified-Files to their previous Un-Modified State. based on the Commit-History recorded on your Local-Repository.
    git restore sample.txt
    git restore --unstaged sample.txt

    Here, "sample.txt" is a Modified-File; Also, if you use the "--unstaged" OPTION then it merely removes the Modified-Files from the STAGING-AREA.

  31. git fetch
  32. This command retrieves info on all the commits from your remote-repository (from your current branch) in order for you to review them.
    git fetch