As indicated by the name this reference isn't anything special & it's dime-a-dozen, still I want to ATTEMPT at writing a reference guide so that even a "not so tech-savvy" individual can use it. GIT is a version control system (AKA V.C.S). GIT is essentially a way for you to save your files & directories.
GIT records differences in the files and folders AND keeps a historical record of each save & Remember all GIT does is track versions & the changes each future updates make, so it can actually be used in things OTHER THAN JUST CODING.
Since GIT is a command-line tool,this guide as usual will be Linux-focused & Command-Line focused; since they have an awesome command-line experience.
sudo apt install git
OR as an alternative type this:
sudo apt install git-all
Although most Linux-based Operating Systems/Distributions have it Pre-Installed.
For Windows you can simply use GIT-Bash or follow GIT-Installation Documentation
The Collection of Articles listed here will be posted separately in my website, so that you can access them individually at your convenience.
[here, T.B.P means "To Be Posted"]
This is PART-01 & the INDEX of the Yet Another GIT-Reference series.
II = | Getting Started With GIT |
III = | T.B.P |
IV = | T.B.P |